Today’s Reflection
PEOPLE often describe Christians as hypocrites, meaning that Christians say one thing and do another. Everyone is hypocritical to some extent (even those who call Christians hypocrites). Authenticity draws people to Jesus and the church, and people can tell from a mile away when Christians are inauthentic.
—Linda Tower Pevey
We are the Church … Let’s Act Like It: A Study on the Book of Acts
From page 11 of We are the Church … Let’s Act Like It: A Study on the Book of Acts by Linda Tower Pevey. Copyright © 2019 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What does the phrase “When Christians are inauthentic” mean to you? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
—Acts 2:42, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Lord, help us be the Church you created us to be. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Something More
Since World War II, The Upper Room has been sending copies of the daily devotional to military chaplains (and now to prison chaplains) for their ministries. Between Memorial Day and July 31, we aim to raise $100,000 for this valuable ministry. Please help our troops by giving today.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I think we all know how to determine if anyone, Christian or not, is inauthentic. When one speaks of a belief then does or says or condones actons or words that directly oppose that belief. The action or words need not be directly in opposition to the belief, the subtle subterfuges are the most insidious becaus they leave the “believer” beleiving they have acted in accordance with the stated belief.
Wrong day for mammogram, had to rechedule. Luckily, I called before leaving.
Prayers for health concerns to resolve for Andrea and Lowell.
Prayers for a smooth path to a new home for Betsy.
Prayers for many sunny days and hardy flowers and coolorful hummers for Connie.
Prayers for continued sharing and healing and rest for Jill.
Prayers for less stress of home ownership for Lou.
Prayers for joy for Mary.
Prayers for health and wellness for Marcy and safety for Mary.
Prayers for a new job for Erich and new opportuunities to serve for Robert.
Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
Inauthentic to me means not really caring about others, but appearing to do so. In other words, for their glory, not God’s. For “show”.
Inauthentic simply means not sincere.
Father God, help all Christians be sincere with our thoughts, words, actions and intentions.
I think we all are hypocritical at some point. Sometimes it is just as an individual, sometimes as a small group, a town, a region, a state, even as country, but also within the faith community. A good example is the current situation the United Methodist Church faces trying to understand sexuality.
This really isn’t a new issue, it has gone on since the New Testament was written. Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And love most certainly is the core of Jesus’ teaching and practice. Yet for centuries the church has taught that loving others of the same sex is wrong. Now, the church is divided since some believe this understanding is right while others believe we’ve had it wrong all this time. Lord, help us know what is right and help us know if this understanding is crucial to being a Christian.
Progress each day getting settled, items are going to new homes, downsizing is occurring, and our residence is starting to look like our home. Thank You,
Had Bible study at church yesterday and we will begin studying the Book of Ephesians next week.
This reflection didn’t come this morning, I had to search for it. Thankful to have found it. Thank you Julie, Connie, and Mary for your posts on inauthentic. I agree. Thank you Julie for your diligent prayers for the UR family. Peace be with you.
Amen and Amen.
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Thank you for being part of The Upper Room family!
—Marti Williams-Martin, The Upper Room
Thank you Marti for always looking out for us and for your prompt attention to this site and comment space. Prayers and blessings for you and the Upper Room team
Thank you Julie. It is good to hear the feedback.
Hopefully the changes we are making will give you a better experience and provide helpful invitations to other Upper Room offerings and ministries.
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