Today’s Reflection
A note from the author: “Celtic Christians acknowledged God’s presence in every aspect of living—from waking to sleeping, from birth to death, from mundane chores to momentous celebrations. They perceived God’s creation as a holy gift. Gratitude characterized their way of being as they affirmed the source of life and gave thanks through blessings.” (p 12)
Today, may you know love.
May you know happiness.
May you know peace.
Today, may you be open.
May you be safe.
May you be blessed.
Today, may you feel uplifted.
May you feel serene.
May you feel joy.
A thousand, thousand prayers,
A thousand, thousand blessings,
On you, and you, and you.
—Beth A. Richardson
Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings
A Celtic blessing from page 74 of Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings by Beth A. Richardson. Copyright © 2016 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
For what are you thankful? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his steadfast love endures forever!
—Psalm 118:1, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
(From a prayer attributed to Saint Patrick) Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I am thankful for God’s presence, love, goodness, blessings, providence, grace, mercy, the UR ministry and all of you here, friends and family.
Thank you God for all that you have blessed me!
I am thankful for all that God has given me, especially 3 wonderful children who love me. I am thankful that I still have my mother who was able to attend her third grandchild’s graduation. I am thankful for the love of my extended family and the support they have shown me. I am thankful for a good home and I pray for resolution to several household issues I am dealing with – but I am thankful for resources that allow me to take care of it. I am thankful for a job where I try to assist people in their times of need. I am thankful for this group of people who love and support one another in an online forum. I am thankful for this new day. God bless you all today.
I’m have so many blessings and things to be thankful for. Having read past posts, I’m so grateful to have such devoted UR pray-ers surrounding me. Harrison is much better today; his fever is down and he is eating better. Mom will be home late today. Thank you for remembering him in your prayers.
I lift up Mary, Robert, Julie, Connie, Marcy and the many others who share of themselves in so many ways. Blessings to all this day.
And Lou…. your thoughts inspire me and lift me up!
Thankful for yesterday’s activities, my last gym and nursing home friend visit, a trip to work on a railroad historical society project, a skype visit with my daughter and granddaughters, and news on the upcoming condo closing. Here on the UR the posts of the the UR family are always looked forward to with anticipation. Of course the basic necessities of life should also be included. Thank You, Lord.
Sunny weather here at the moment, rain has been predicted for quite a few days, but so far has not been as much as the forecast said.
Thank you Mary, Lou, and Betsy for your posts. Each of you, in your own style, offers up thoughts, prayers, news, and answers to today’s question.
Thank you. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
I have so much to be grateful for – Christ in me, transforming – first and foremost. The unfathomable peace which has companioned me these past few years. This sacred space where we gather, from our little corners of the world. My dear friends who support me in so many ways. My dad – his great love lived out daily.
I am grateful for a good time away, for safety, for time with cousins. I am grateful for the nurses and doctors at a Utah hospital who cared for my dad when our plans took an unexpected turn. For the nurse who held me as I cried, explaining I had lost my mom 2 months earlier, as she assured me dad would be ok. He had an intense allergic reaction and his blood pressure dropped super low and he was unable to speak for a while. For my friend back home who stayed on the phone with me while I cried, who said she would fly out the next day if I needed her to. God’s comfort was evident in so many ways during that intense day. I am brought to tears again now.
I am grateful for Roger’s love and nearness, so good to come home to.
I think we had a lot of rain while I was away, and I am enjoying seeing the growth of my flowers in a week’s time. Especially this morning in the sunshine.
It is good to be back with you all here – I am grateful for you.
I am thankful that this morning I prayed and God heard and answered. God is Good.
Lord, be with Jill’s Dad. Thanks you that he was able to be helped. Amen
I echo all of the sentiment shared above, family, friends, home, etc. I am thankful for my kitties and I tell God everyday. I am thankful for my daughter and our relationship. I am thankful for God and for Jesus and His sacrifice for me. I am thankful for answered prayers. I am so very thankful for the UR family and the people who work behind the scenes allowing this chat board to exist and function daily.
Prayers for Mary, may she be blessed for all she gives to others.
Prayers for Lou and her home issues and their resolution.
Prayers for Betsy and gratitude for Harrisson’s healing and his mom’s safe travels.
Prayers for Robert as he says goodbye to those in his current home.
Prayers for Jill and her safe return and her father’s recovery.
Prayers for Connie and gratitude for answered prayers.
Prayers for Marcy and her health and Mary her caregiver may both be safe.
Prayers for Andrea and her daughter, may she pass her test.
Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
Thanks Julie!
May God bless you, your daughter, your kitties and your prayer ministry abundantly!
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