Today’s Reflection
WHEN GOD GIVES us the Holy Spirit, God gives us nothing less than God’s own self—an important emphasis. The Holy Spirit is God here today, present with you and me, right now. Some other metaphors and symbols used in the Bible to describe the Holy Spirit—words like water, fire, breath, wind—can sometimes suggest that the Holy Spirit is only “something divine.” But the Holy Spirit moves far beyond an impersonal “something” to be a “Someone.” When we cry out from our depths, “Come, Spirit, come,” we are crying out for the Lord to come and personally fill our lives.
—Trevor Hudson
Holy Spirit Here and Now
From pages 20-21 of Holy Spirit Here and Now by Trevor Hudson. Copyright © 2013 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What are your earliest memories of God’s love and grace in your life? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.
—John 14:16, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
by the light of the Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit
help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
From A Book of Prayers © 1982, ICEL. All rights reserved.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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My earliest memory of the Spirit is the call of God to walk into a Methodist church, one Monday morning for the 1st time in more than a decade, and talk to the preacher and tell him that I was going to return to church. I was 30.
The earliest memories of God’s love and grace came in the days after Soo Ok passed away. I grieved and amazing hard to explain comfort and consolation came to me. The memory of the event remained, but pain and sorrow went away faster than I ever expected.
Am cleared to close on the condo, should have some news, hopefully today, as the target closing date is June 17th. Am making more preparations for the move, but can’t do much more until the date is set.
Thankful for the UR prayers throughout this process. They are encouraging and supportive during a time that has been stressful. Am hopeful the move, when it comes, will be smooth.
Thankful to obtain back issues of the Central Vermont Railway Historical Society’s journal, The AMBASSADOR. With the earliest issues I bought some time ago and the more recent ones that come four times a year, soon my collection will be up to date. Along with other books on the railroad I have a good reference source for modeling.
Prayers that your needs and concerns at being met, fulfilled, by God. I’ll catch up today and pray more specifically for you. Thank You, Lord for Your ever presence.
I feel as though I’ve always had the spirit as a child, surrounded by family members and church family. I did have a Reawakening in my experience when attending an Emmaus retreat. There, I felt a nudge as to a purpose and a role in my church leadership. Being surrounded by others that showed me God’s Love was an eye opener.
I have always felt Gods love and grace. This love intensified for me when I made my Cursillo 5 years ago. I am so grateful for Gods Grace today. Also UR support during a health scare was so overwhelmingly awesome and for sure His grace came through by so many prayers. Bill is doing well and the path report showed it was a benign tumor. Praise and glory to God ! Hope everyone has a blessed week! FHS Edy
Praise God Bill is doing well!
May God heal him completely in the name of Jesus Christ!
As a young child sitting in my small Methodist Church in rural Illinois with my family. Back row, left…under the wooden attendance chart. Such a happy time.
Very chilly this morning. Never know what to wear.
I am not as knowledgeable about Robert’s move as I should be, but praying all goes smoothly.
Have a great week, all.
Praise God for blessing Connie with happy memories at church when she was a child.
May she have many happy memories at church even as an adult!
My earliest memories of feeling the love of the Holy Spirit are eith my grandparents, who loved generously, and in the outdoors; also, with a beloved piano teacher. I think of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God”s grace.
Prayers for UR friends and visitors. May all have a Grace-filled day.
My earliest memories of God’s love and grace in my life are reflected by my parents’ love and grace for me. I know my parents sacrificed a lot to give us the best like piano lessons, buying the exam model piano for us and bringing us up to do what is right, teaching us about God’s love and grace, bringing us bto church every Sunday.
Thank you God for blessing us with good at loving parents who taught us about your love and grace.
I never felt the Spirit at my old church save with the pastor who was the most amazing person. That is one reason I chose to leave. I never felt it as a child attending the scary Baptist church alone (I was a preschooler and sent on a bus.) I felt it as Andrea noted, with my grandparents who loved deepy, made me feel safe and were selflessly giving.
I read the UR daily devotional and today’s devotion was by a man from Kenya whose prperty and home were seized by the government several years ago. Contrary to normal prosedure they were not compensated. Today is the day they find out if they will be compensated. He asked for prayers.
Prayers for continued process for Robert’s move and train study.
Prayers for Connie’s health concerns, may the doctor’s find the cause.
Prayers for Andrea, Betsy, Gail, and Edy and Bill.
Prayers for Mary and her father, may he have a better appetite.
Prayers for Marcy and her health.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
My earliest memories of God’s love and grace revolve around my parents and grandparents who were all very grounded in their faith and passed that along to me. It continues through my memories of these people and my faithful mother and aunt and uncle who celebrated with us this weekend – honoring my youngest daughter – we had a big party in her honor and it was a success entertaining in my new much smaller house – it rained but everyone shared close quarters and much love and laughter. I’m grateful for my daughter and relatives who travelled far to be with us. I’m grateful that God has blessed me with wonderful friends who all showed up. I’m grateful for my son who stepped up and helped me greatly. And grateful for my child who graduated and I will soon send out into the world and I pray that God continues to show her is love guidance and protection.
Prayers for all here at the ur – I am grateful always for you and your sharing and prayers. I pray for each one of you.
And thank you for sharing, Lou.
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