Today’s Reflection
OVER THE YEARS, you have learned this important truth: Faith does not guarantee that life will turn out the way you hoped. Even in your later years, life is not fair. But your faith offers another truth: God will never leave or forsake you. Praise God for that!
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
—1 Thessalonians 5:18
– Missy Buchanan
Spirit Boosters
From Spirit Boosters for the Journey of Aging: 366 Devotions by Missy Buchanan. Copyright © 2016 by Missy Buchanan. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
When have you felt God’s presence in difficult times? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18, NRSV
This Week: pray for students starting back to school. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Ignatius of Loyola (August 8).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Sponsored by Upper Room Ministries ®. Copyright © 2018 | PO Box 340004 | Nashville, TN 37203-0004 | USA
Today’s reflection has powerful, meaningful truths:
“For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
“Faith does not guarantee that life will turn out the way you hoped. Even in your later years, life is not fair. But your faith offers another truth: God will never leave or forsake you.”
For these and many other reasons, we
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
I recent years I feel God helping me through every month. Needed resources come every month that enable life. Thank You, Lord.
Thank you, Julie, Jill, Mary, Connie, and Jill for your prayers for Erich, Anneliese, and me. Erich thinks the interview went well, he will know Monday if he has a job, Anneliese had pain management treatment yesterday, and some research online provided helpful information about the model I’m working on.
Prayers for Gloria, Marcy, Julie, and Connie. May God provide the needed care as only God can. Prayers for those going back to school, may this be a safe and productive year.
Blessings to you and man.y thanks
This is a simple truth – I wish my mother could hear it, receive it and cling to it. Father – thank You for the vast multitude of promises in Your Word. Bring them to mind as situations arrive. Keep us attached to You – Our Rock.
Grateful for time with dad yesterday, golfing and talking. I pretty much bore my soul to him and hope he is not overwhelmed, but is able to process it all. May God continue to daily provide strength to him as he continues to compassionately care for mom. Grateful for a gifted counselor and the ability to see her. Grateful for God’s Presence – very strongly sensed this morning.
Another clear truth today; that God is in control in all circumstances. It has gotten me through many struggles in my life. God’s will is my compass.
Jill, I also pray for your mom to know this truth, and with your loving presence, she will. Prayers also for your dad.
Robert, praying for that job for Erich and pain relief for Annalise. You are their prayer warrior.
School starts in our area this next week, so I also lift up the students and staff members as they return to work. My daughter starts in her classroom next week, so especially lift her up as she prepares.
Grateful for work today at the animal shelter and errands this afternoon. God is good.
In response to today’s title “God will never leave you ” there are times, even now when I have been quite broken in my relatively long life. But once when I was 37 years old and broken, I prayed and prayed. God sort of sent me a miracle: He got me to go that morning to church, so I would not be alone; He showed me a single daffodil in all its beautiful splendor; and then he had me take a ride in the park where I saw people all running in one direction, except for one man running the opposite way. I laughed so hard at this sight ! God some how knew, praise His Holy Name ! I live alone and it has been a long road and journey and I am not finished, so the “search and hope for The Lord’s Peace and Comfort ” will not stop. So….I share this. I am just another on the bus, like everyone else. Peace, Glenn
Thank you Glenn for your post!
God is good indeed! He is my ever present help and Great Physician. I was once bitten by an insect. Even the doctor i saw was not sure what i was bitten by. I thought i was going to die cause my legs started to have rashes and then turned black. However, God healed me. I am able to walk and both my legs are back to normal.
Thank you God that you are always with us no matter what!
Thank you for sharing Mary, and everyone else also. Life can be very unfair, and it is nice to know others have grown closer to The Lord during their trials. My good friend Jim from southern Illinois always followed The Upper Room. Jim died about 10 days ago, and I am glad to mention his great fondness of The Upper Room here, in his memory. He is the one who told me about The Upper Room, I did not know about it before that.
Rest in Eternal Light and Peace, Jim.
Welcome Glenn! You are never alone, God is always with us. But I understand the need for human companionship as I too am lonely. The friends I have made here haave helped. May you find this refuge a respite from your loneliness also. My prayers for you today.
Prayers for Erich, may he find succeess with this possible new job. Prayers for Anneliese, may she find pain relief. Prayers for Robert as he continues with his model, both the train and as a wonderful God following human being for his son and for me. Thank you Robert for your prayers and for your quiet example.
Prayers for Jill, Larry and Gloria. May Gloria find God again and the relief He offers. May He provide support for Laarry and Jill.
Prayers for Betsy as she runs her errands. May she be safe and show Your light to the world.
Please be with me Lord. I worry about my future and how I will support myself and my daughter. I am frustrated that I have the eduction and the skills to do work that would provide well for us but becauseof physical limitations I am not hired. Lead me Lord, why am I on this paath? What is Your will for my life. I am frustrated.
Prayers and blessings to all of this warm UR family where I can rail against my life and know that I am still God’s child
Thank you God for healing Mary.
Prayers for you Mary and your parents. May you all have a wonderful day with no pain and no stress.
Thanks so much dear Julie!
May you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
When I was young, I always thought things would turn out well. With age came the knowledge that is not always the case. God bless our youth and their optimism. They are the hope of the future generation.
Thankful for:
Missy Buchanan
Robert, Jill, Glenn, Betsy, Julie, Mary and all who gather here today.
A place I can share my thoughts in a safe oasis.
My daughter, grandson and I had a special time together on the North Shore of Lake Superior.
My daughter is so tense. She is often overwhelmed by her three year old. On our trip, she confessed to me she lost her temper with my grandson recently and spanked him hard; I have noticed he seems less secure with her. My heart truly breaks for him, I am worried, and I am at a loss as to what to do. My daughter is stressed that my grandson does not sleep through the night and she functions poorly when she is fatigued. I ask for your prayers for my precious, sweet grandson and my tense, struggling daughter, and for my guidance.
So many needs are expressed here and I pray for my UR friends. Jill, you gave a beautiful reply to the parent who wished for Jesus to bring her son back to life. I give thanks for each of you and for this site where we gather to read, reflect, and express prayer requests.
Blessings, and may we find greater forgiveness and freedom in our hearts by releasing resentments and grudges.
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