Today’s Reflection
I OFTEN WATCH the nightly news with my family. Their favorite news segment is “Inspiring America,” which highlights ordinary people acting in charitable, generous, caring, and heroic ways. Although I am refreshed by the optimism of these stories, I don’t always feel as inspired as the rest of my family; I feel intimidated. Seeing the compassionate acts of others makes me painfully aware of my own shortcomings in loving and serving as Jesus did. …
Gradually, I am coming to understand that God’s love is a gift, not a reward. God cares less about impressive deeds or a tally of the people affected than about the genuine love fueling our actions. When I struggle with resenting the benevolence of others, 2 Corinthians 12:9 gently reminds me that God can use me in spite of my imperfections. I don’t have to compete for God’s love; God loves each of us abundantly.
devozine, january/february 2018
From “Fueled by Love” by Hannah Beaven, age 16, in devozine, the devotional lifestyle magazine for teens, January/February 2018. Copyright © 2017 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
When has God used your imperfections? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake.
2 Corinthians 4:5, NRSV
This Week: pray for persons who are making life-changing decisions. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Joan of Arc (May 30).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I have 2 polar opposite reactions to this question. I am not sure, and only always. I can’t think of a specific instance where my imperfections were used by Him. Yet, He is always ready to use me – I need to be perpetually answering His call. When with my parents, especially mom, I try to be ready for any crack or opening which would provide me opportunity to speak truth and encouragement to her. The thing is, where she is at right now – the truth is not an encouragement to her. I am looking forward to golfing with my dad, as we will have an extended amount of time together. He needs encouragement and he is open to deeper conversations. I send him encouraging emails and virtually everyone has “this is hard” in it somewhere. Of course it is.
While rain and storms have been in the forecast the last couple of days, we have gotten no rain. Gotta keep my new flowers watered. It is a joy to end my day watering my flowers and quieting my mind.
Have to think about this. Am sure God knows the answer, but I’m struggling to find it.
Perhaps it will come to me during the day.
Busy errand day so I’m off and running.
Prayers for all; of you and thank you for your prayers, they are helpful.
Prayers for Jill and her family as they each struggle with their own feelings about Gloria’s diagnosis. But must also deal with Gloria and her feelings and worries.
Please pray for me. My husband gave me a form he wanted me to sign that would leave me none of his pension after he died. I said no and he relented to 25% to me. I said I would agree to that only if I received the money from his 401k after his death. He refuses although he has no one else to give it to. He left the form for me to sign and went to work. I am going to give it back with a note that says he needs to provide a notarized note that says that I get the 401k and that no other document in the future may supercede the notarized note. We spent a good bit of last night shouting at one another. Please pray for me, I feel that I am fighting for my future life, so I am not left destitute.
Blessings and prayers for and thank you to all the UR family
Ignorance is not saying, I don’t know. Ignorance is saying, I don’t want to know.
Julie, my belief is that it would be a good thing to talk to a divorce lawyer about property division in your state if you have not done so already, before you sign or agree to anything.
Julie, you deserve 100% of your husband’s pension after his death. I agree with Gail – do not sign a ything without consulting a reputable lawyer knowlegeable in family and estate law. It might also be helpful to consult a good financial advisor. I will pray for you in this situation. God is with you, watching over you, providing for you..
I need to think about this question, too. I trust God has used and is using my imperfections. There are many – may they be turned to good.
We left home this morning on a ten day road trip. Part of the time, we will be hiking with a group in the Black Hills.
Please pray for my friend, Natasha. She is having surgery today, a hysterectomy to prevent a heriditary type of ovarian cancer.
Lowell and I had a wonderful time with my daughter, son- in-law and grandson earlier this week, when they made the 40 minute drive out to our house for the day. I still have concerns about my daughter’s parenting. I keep my concerns to myself, pray, and am just “there” for her, my sweet and bright grandson, and son- in- law. I am grateful for time with them and for the current ease in the relationship with my daughter.
Prayers for Lou and her family as she moves into a new home. Prayers for all dear UR friends. I miss Marcy’s posts and pray for her, for strength, support, comfort, access to resources, and spiritual companionship.
Grateful for work even on saturday to plan ahead for the week
Blessings to all
Andrea, may you and your family have a safe journey
Thank you, Mary. May God bless you, your parents, and your students.
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