New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

The Holy Spirit is present in and among believers as a unifying and influential facilitator of faith. The Spirit leads us toward truth by guiding us gently in directions that speak to our hearts on deeply individual levels and by uniting us in central truths as believers in Christ. Groups honor the great commandment to love neighbor as self, a relational calling to every believer. (See Matthew 22:39.) None of us is exempt from the call to be in relationships—even introverts who need a lot of down time; even people who don’t like forced fun in the form of icebreakers; even people who need things to be ordered and predictable. We all are included in God’s call to love one another, and fulfilling that call requires interaction.

—Angela D. Schaffner, Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups (Upper Room Books, 2020)

Today’s Question

What interactions lately remind you of God’s call to love one another? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
—John 13:34 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

You have given me life.
You have filled me with your Spirit.
I am your child, not a slave to fear.
I am your child; light my path and guide my steps.
I am your child; hold me.
Hold me tight.

(Adapted from Romans 8.)
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

This Father’s Day, celebrate Dad by making a donation to The Upper Room in his honor or memory. Give today.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

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  • Julie Posted June 14, 2021 8:57 am

    Every interaction reminds me that I anm to love those I encounter. But lately, speaking with and praying for my ex husband and ex MIL remind me of this. I have been friendly with my ex for many years but my ex mil and I have not been cordial for some time. She did not attend our wedding, but she has not attended any of her sons weddings. She disliked her son from Germany’s wife which was why he chose to return to Germany penniless and with no prospects. But I have prayed for her and talked to my ex regarding his emotions surrounding his mother’s impending death.
    My mom’s surgery went well but she was groggy and had yet to speak with the doctor when we spoke. I emailed my brother to let him know what was going on with mom. He lives in Japan and we have never been close.
    Prayers for improved health and finances for Ally and David and Marcy. Prayers for safe travel for Jjill and Larry and Lou and her children. Prayers for a smooth transition for Robert and his church and the incoming and retiring pastor. Thank you for your prayers. May God bless all who visit here.

  • robert moeller Posted June 14, 2021 1:08 pm

    Love written on banners hanging in the church on Sunday, actions taken at church to do things for others, and lunch with friends on Saturday all tell of love for one another. The roller coaster of seemingly good and then not so good continues with my son. Car repairs have kept the car inspected, maintained, registered , and on the road. My son and I have the same goal but vary in our methods. This mirrors many of the events of our lives together.
    Prayers for Julie, her ex-husband and his family, and Julie’s family as her mother recovers from surgery. Continued prayers for safety and an equitable divorce proceeding. Marcy’s, Ally’s, and David’s health concerns are added to those of Anneliese who has had fibro-myalgia, arthritis problems. Treatment has helped the arthritis. Financial concerns for Marcy, Ally, and David are in my prayers too. Many people traveling this summer after the long pandemic shutdown, I pray their travels are safe ones.
    Hopefully rain will come our way, while we are not in the drought conditions of the western US, we surely could use more rain. Less and less of the lawn needs to be mowed.
    Thank You, Lord for the blessings of the day. God’s peace to all of you.

  • Jill Posted June 14, 2021 6:18 pm

    Hmmm – I checked all the categories listed above…introvert – who relishes a lot of down time, people who don’t like forced fun (big check), and people who like things orderly and predictable…guilty as charged here as well. And yet – I do need and desire relational time, both with a friend, as well as interaction in my small group. Even at small group, I cringe when they say the “i” word (ice-breaker).
    Interactions with my dad keep me mindful of the need to be kind and compassionate. I found many of his tendencies to be annoying and/or frustrating – but kept repeating to myself – don’t be like mom, just let him be him – and remain silent. God empowered me to exhibit patience beyond myself. Yes, there were a few failures, but – overall – I kept asking God for His help and I think dad really enjoyed our time together.
    He got overheated on the golf course and became dizzy, and was anxious the next day with the heat. His anxiety makes me uneasy, but we made it through fine and I am happy to be home, in my house with Roger, reverting to my introverted ways. Silence is blissful.
    We will be golfing at least twice a week, sometimes three times. We begin tomorrow and it is nice to be in more moderate temps. It was very warm and humid – it was 80 early in the morning with crazy humidity, when I went out for my run. It was a struggle. It is good to be home hear, with moderate temps and windows open. Roger is especially loving – I always say we have a grand lovefest when I get home.
    I thank you all for your prayers regarding my patience and our safety.

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