Today’s Reflection
Stillness and silence open doors for meditation. My breezeway provides a perfect sanctuary for me to meditate on warm afternoons, with music provided by Carolina wrens perched in the branches of a towering blue spruce. For decades, that tree protected the breezeway from rain and snow. Now I feel sheltered by faith and prayers from the emotional blasts of living with cancer.
Me: My energy’s at zero right now, so I’m
learning to do nothing and to do it well!
Linda, an old Bible study friend: We humans
think we have to be busy all the time. God
is pleased when we can just ‘‘be.” Enjoy the
“being” process.
—Jan Woodard, Texting Through Cancer: Ordinary Moments of Community, Love, and Healing (Upper Room Books, 2021)
Today’s Question
When your energy is low, how can you give yourself permission to meditate and just “be”? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
“Be still, and know that I am God!
I am exalted among the nations,
I am exalted in the earth.”
—Psalm 46:10 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God of All,
In you I trust.
All will be well.
All will be well.
All will be well. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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This is a very real problem for me. Lately, I have been weary and force myself to continue doing and doing. One reason is because downtime brings too many thoughts and also I am afraid of not sleeping well at night. If I am not careful, I wake in the night and the worries steal in and rob me of my sleep and peace of mind.
Prayers for Ally and David. May Ally’s emotions express themselves as necessary as she deals with the stress of David’s continuing health concerns and her sister’s leaving. Please, Lord, be with her kitty, Lewis, helping him to recover and join her at home soon. Lord, help David to continue to gather strength and balance through his therapy. Prayers of gratitude for new babies and healing and reduced pain.
Prayers for April and Lou and their families, may all stay safe and healthy.
Prayers for Jill and Larry. Lord, help Jill to have few, if any, effects from her second dose of vaccine and quell her fears for the upcoming changes at school. May the students rejoin her in caring about their education.
Prayers for Marcy who I spoke with yesterday. She is doing much better and suffering fewer migraines and is in good spirits.
Prayers for Robert, may he be safe and well and comment soon.
I find it easy to quiet myself. Or to at least attempt to quiet myself – the Spirit aids me for sure. For me it is recognizing that this is what I should do. To step away from things and take a couple of intentional moments.
I was grading some pretty intense work on line yesterday afternoon and a headache began. Not sure if it was from concentrating so hard on the screen, or after effects from the shot. But, I stopped, took some Tylenol and fixed supper and was ok. I went to bed early and am feeling fine today. Grateful to be fully vaccinated.
Sun is out brightly and the hope of warmer temps for the next few days, starting tomorrow. Lots of schoolwork today and depending how it comes along, maybe a walk. Might go to a store later this evening with the hopes of there not being many people there, so I can pick up a few things. Need to think about what lunch is going to look like once I get back in the classroom, as my students will be with me during the lunch period.
Still trying to wrap my head around all the logistics of being back in school. Will find out a lot of information Thursday and Friday as teachers return ahead of students the following Monday.
I try to keep in mind that God as love does not keep a record of wrongs and that God’s grace is infinite. These help me to remember that I don’t always have to be doing stuff. When we are just being is when we can hear God’s voice. Lord, give me ears to hear and to just be.
I’ve talked to David a couple of times today. He is ready to come home. He is working hard so he can come home. I spent a few moments with Kitty Lewis yesterday afternoon. Vet said I could bring him home, but she preferred that he stay through weekend. He looked good and was a little better. Please continue prayers for us. I added our names to the wait list at our pharmacy for vaccine. We should get it in about 2 weeks. I visited friends yesterday because I was lonely and sad. They invited me to stay for supper and spend the night. Did my heart such good. I’m thankful for friends!
Julie, thank you for your prayers. Thank you for sharing good news about Marcy. Please give her our love. Praising God she is feeling better. I too hope we hear from Robert soon. Jill, my prayers are with you as you return to the classroom. Prayers also for your students. I hope you will get a planning period since you will have students with you during lunch. I’m thankful that your vaccine side effects have been minimal so far. Pray ing Larry is looking forward to Florida. I’m also lifting up or UR family. Praying we all stay well and safe. I can’t believe we have been in this a year. Be blessed, everyone.
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