Today’s Reflection
LIKE THE SUN and the rain whose reach extends without discrimination, the kin-dom of God welcomes everyone. Jesus embodies this inclusiveness through the central cultural custom of his day: the practice of table fellowship. In the ancient Jewish world, only the cultically clean are allowed to dine at a ritually pure household. At Jesus’ table, however, the invitation is sent to all—the sick, the lame, lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors, traitors, outcasts, and centurions.
—Frank Rogers Jr. , Compassion in Practice: The Way of Jesus (Upper Room Books, 2016)
Today’s Question
How does the inclusive welcome of Jesus inspire you to welcome others? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
When the crowds found out about it, they followed him; and he welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.
—Luke 9:11 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
A prayer of compassion from Mother Teresa
Lord, open our eyes that we may see you in our brothers and sisters.
Lord, open our ears that we may hear the cries of the hungry, the cold, the frightened, the oppressed.
Lord, open our hearts that we may love each other as you love us.
Renew in us your spirit.
Lord, free us and make us one. Amen
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Jesus was very comfortable in the company of others. He worked at developing conversation, and thus, relationship. An old saying comes to mind – students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Or something like that. Relationship comes first, then the potential to have an impact follows.
The openness, encouragement and faithful prayer stewardship which exists here is a conduit to transparency and authenticity. May Christ be glorified here in this holy space.
I posted a few days back, but maybe you didn’t see it Julie…how is Megan’s father? And – your medication – are you able to tell if it is effective? How you shepherd Erich, Robert – may God bless you both. Rick – thanks for sharing from so deep within. You are an encouragement.
Thank you all for your prayers.
I am so very glad jesus recognizes the homeless, needy, hurt, angered, and on and on. The lonely fit in here too- those with mental illness, The list goes on. The love shone, fellowship welcomed, and the care provided..I believe is positive fire cracker. choosing to ‘explode’ with God’s love is a huge ‘cracker’ of His love.
I just discovered people’s comments on this new site yesterday. Before yesterday, I was assuming that feature had been dropped. So happy to find I was wrong. I hope others who haven’t posted in the New Year also find their way here again.
I too find the font on the mobile version of New Every Morning to be uncomfortably small and worry the site may be inaccessible to some readers who only have mobile phones for technology. This is an issue of inclusivity. Otherwise, now with Comments more visible, I like the new site.
The church I go to has a parking lot that backs up to the parking lot of a large subsidized housing unit, and the congregation reflects that demographic. I appreciate the diversity of all kinds in the congregation, it is a warm place for all.
The passage from Isaiah in the Lectionary readings this week is my Lectio Divina passage, which I have been using for over seven years now. It is a welcome thing to find on the day I also discover the Comments here.
Julie and Robert, thank you for your prayers in previous comments.
Prayers for an “all fine” report on your biopsy, Jill, and prayers for your father. Robert, pray you are feeling better soon and pray Erich makes his way to fine employment, a new business. Julie, I pray you and Megan are safe and healthy and moving toward a good resolution in your living situation. Rick, prayers for you and your husband as the UMC goes through upheaval. Lou, I pray your and your children are doing well in the post-holiday period. Joyce, welcome to this circle of prayer warriors. Prayers for UR friends who haven’t posted Wishing all a blessed day.
Welcome back Andrea. Prayers for your sore back and your family.
I waxed rhapsodic regarding this topic yesterday regarding this community, so nuff said there. Jesus’ unconditional acceptance of all, even sinners, mirrors the unconditional of God who loves and forgives even the worst sinners. This allowed me to tell my daughter that nothing she says or does could affect my love for her. I told her you can tell me anything and I will love you. You could kill another person and I would condemn the act, forgive you the person if you were repentant and love you through it all. I would proudly support you as you received your judgment and consequences. God’s unconitional love and forgiveness made flesh in Jesus and shown through His earthly life allowed me to have the strength to know my words were true.
Prayers for Jill and her wait for test results. Megan’s father is doing better. He allowed us to drive him to his mother’s for the holidays and is trying to stick to healthier habits. I am very superstitious so regarding the meds for my Reynaud’s I can say the so far God is using them productively. Thank you for your prayers.
Prayers for Joyce and her insightful words regarding mental illness.
Prayers for Robert and his unwavering support of Erich.
Prayers for Rick who will meke an excellent pastor. Again, your courage is an inspiration to me and it will be to any congregation fortunate to have you to lead them.
Prayers for Andrea, Connie, April, BJ, Betsy, Lou, Mary, and Marcy.
Prayers and thank you UR
Prayers, awareness, and thank you God- He takes care of all- every kind of need, want, wish, etc. The part I am good at…is I even pray for the folks that are angered with me- they cannot keep me from prayer. Thanks, God
Better late than never. Have felt better each day, but today was the best I’ve felt since last Friday. Have taken three doses of raw, finely chopped, garlic. Have to let it set for 15 minutes before eating, have juice to help it all down,, and be sure you don’t take it on an empty stomach. It has helped a lot just as your prayers help in other ways. Am delighted to read so many posts. Is there a way to go back to previous days? Am tired and will go to sleep, have been awake since 5 am. Of course you are all in my prayers for whatever need, concern, or issue you have AND I am very thankful for ALL of you!
Greetings, Open Hearts Open Minds, All means all! I feel so much compassion and kindness here. Welcome back Andrea, praying all is well with you. Late post tonight due to full day and Stephens Ministers training tonight. Holding all in Prayer.🙏🏻
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