Today’s Reflection
LINGERING IN THE LONGER season of Christmas gives a deeper sense of wonder and awe concerning the Incarnation—the basic task of the church calendar. We begin the Christian year in Advent with a sense of expectation and hope. We prepare to celebrate God’s gift in Jesus Christ. We come to a sense of fulfillment at Christmas and discover a renewed sense of awe and praise at the news of Jesus’ birth. We continue to reflect with a sense of wonder as the church year moves to Epiphany and the remembrance of the magi’s visit.
—George H. Donigian, In Days to Come: From Advent to Epiphany (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
How can you maintain a sense of wonder all year long? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
“When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
—Matthew 2:10-11 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
(A Liturgy for Morning Prayer, Upper Room Worshipbook.) Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Happy New Year from the staff of The Upper Room. Spread the love of Christ in 2020 by giving to The Upper Room. Every gift matters. Make your year-end donation today.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
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I think the awesome God created setting in which I live helps me keep a sense of wonder all year long. Mount Washington is at the head of the valley, not always visible, but on days when it is the scene is full of wonder. There have been other times and places where mountains have had this same effect.
Had a wonderful trip to Brooklyn-Manhattan to see my daughter and granddaughters, the NYC Aquarium and Snow Show, safe train and bus travel there are back. Prayers for the homeless sleeping on subway platforms and in train stations.
Prayers for a man who had a medical emergency by the bus stop just as I stepped off the bus. Thankful fire, police, EMT, and ambulance arrived in a flash and began treatment. Saw the ambulance headed to the hospital a little while later.
Prayers for those who need medical help today and face icy roads and wind with snow falling.
Hope you all have a blessed last few days of 2019 and a happy, HEALTHY, safe and secure 2020 knowing that God is with us always. Thank You, Lord.
Psalm 36: 7 -How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
It is absolutely gorgeous here this morning. There is a thick snowfall gracing the landscape, and all the trees are outlined in snow. One oak tree in the backyard yard stands out; it still has all its copper leaves, which make a beautiful contrast against all the white. Nearby, the unscrolling, rust-red bark of the river birch tree accents the black and white tangle of the woods. The snowflakes are so heavy, I can see their outline on the branches closest to the windows. It is the picture of peaceful beauty.
May God bring peace and beauty into the lives of all dear UR friends and visitors today. Prayers and blessings.
Community and worshiping with other believers certainly guides me. I’ve been following the Upper Room since 2007. One of the elders was passing out the Upper Room Disciplines book (a daily devotions) for the year. It has changed my life. It woke up the wonder in me again. I later discovered the online version. It continues to nourish my soul though out the year.
It sounds like you had a blessed time with your family Robert. The vision of Mt Washington in NH is a beautiful one. When I was a young boy my dad got me an HO train set and built me an amazing village. It’s been a long time but I enjoy hearing about your passion for model train’s.
Thank you Andrea for the Beautiful visual of the fresh blanket of snow. I hope I can get back to New England this month to see family.
Missing all those who are away and traveling and wishing you safe travels.
Prayers, for those who are homeless and for first responders.
I echo your prayers for the homeless and for first responders. I pray too for refugees who are in limbo and for separated children and parents.
No idea how 2019 posts popped up! Stay close to nature, God’s creation, wher awe and wonder anound. Thank You Lord.
2024 is ending sadly with airplane crashes in South Korea and Azerbijan, the passing of a president, fierce global warming, a hotter climate, depending on your political persuasion it clould get a lot worse or improve, Lord, You are always needed, and thankfully always present. The Lord be praised.
Sure wish former posters wer \e still active. You are missed.
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